We actively seek out and hire the best global talent. We look for team players who can form enduring partnerships. We only promote outstanding individuals who share our values.  We are the sum of our hugely talented and energised team. 

Name Job title Office
Adrian Mitri Senior Director - Value Add London
Afonso de Brito Canelas Vice President London
Alec Kingham Principal London
Aljosha Ellmer Senior Vice President Stockholm
Amit Tiwari Managing Director London
Andrea Solis Olivares Associate London
Anne Postulka Associate Munich
Ben Johnson Partner London
Charles Hardwick Managing Director London
Charlie Pei Senior Associate Miami
Chris Bulger General Counsel London
Christopher Chalk Managing Director London
Daniel Wolf Vice President London
David Derndorfer Vice President Munich
David Nahama Senior Partner London
Duncan Reek Principal London
Elena Kostova Vice President London
Emily Batibay Managing Director - Investor Relations London
Erik Lunning Senior Associate Stockholm
Fabian Wasmus Partner Munich
Fernando Cassinello Bachiller Senior Vice President Madrid
Francesco Gallia Associate London
Fransiska Aspegrén Associate Stockholm
Freddie Lebus Principal London
Gaël Sausy Head of Luxembourg Operations Luxembourg
Gary Chen Vice President Shanghai
Gemma Timmons Associate London
George Elvidge Associate London
George Jiao Managing Director Singapore
Hendrik Pauw Associate London
Ian Riley Advisor London
Imogen Flynn Associate London
Jack Alcock Managing Director London
James Roper Associate London
James Sanderson Partner and CFO London
Jan Haase Principal Munich
Jasper Koid Senior Vice President London
Johann Napp Principal London
Jussi Wuoristo Partner London
Kartikeya Kaji Partner Mumbai
Kate McCaw Vice President London
Kerstin Remer Vice President London
Kunal Shamdasani Associate Mumbai
Lara Loewe Associate Munich
Liselotte Cornelissen Senior Vice President London
Lucy Sun Associate London
Ludwig Scherm Senior Vice President Munich
Luuk Remmen Partner London
Maddie McCormick Vice President Miami
Matt Gupta Vice President London
Maximilian Abt Principal Munich
Melchior Dreesmann Vice President London
Michael Watkins Associate Miami
Mike Risman Managing Partner London
Nadia Preston Senior Director - Investor Relations London
Neil Shah Principal London
Niclas Lindlöf Principal Stockholm
Oscar Severin Partner Stockholm
Oyinkan Adejuyigbe Associate London
Pablo Ramirez Senior Vice President Miami
Peter Read Cortex Partner London
Petter Roald Principal London
Prince Aditya Senior Associate Mumbai
Radhica Kaushal Senior Vice President Mumbai
Richard Chen Cortex Partner Shanghai
Ruben Pauwels Associate London
Sergiusz Nowak Associate London
Shash Jha Associate London
Simon Larsson Associate Stockholm
Sophie Bower-Straziota Partner London
Stephen Byrne Partner London
Stephen Huang Associate London
Tassilo Arnhold Partner London
Tomas Meerits Managing Director Stockholm
Tomer Yosef-Or Partner Miami
Torsten Winkler Partner London
Vasilis Mornto Senior Associate London
Yuan Xia Managing Director Singapore